Quality Management System
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Simandoc is a new product to support Quality and Environmental Management, Occupational Health and Safety Management and Document Management. The software has been developed in Argentina and is fully web-based.

Simandoc is a web-based client/server application with a low-entry cost and a high degree of flexibility, with a minimum requirement of software installation in the server and client workstations. There are no user-based licenses to be paid, or application software to be installed in the client workstations. You only require one Server License for your Internet or Intranet Server.

Simandoc fully satisfies ISO and OHSAS requirements for Quality and Environmental Management, Occupational Health and Safety Management and Document Management, thus providing an excellent software foundation to implement a policy and a consistent procedure to control documents, processes and projects.

Recommended minimum resolution 800x600 - Simandoc - Copyright© 2003/2023 - -

[Versión en Español]